Board elections in December

By | November 14, 2018

At the December 10th LCASRO meeting, election of officers for next year is on the agenda.  The Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the positions listed below.  To hold office, you must have been a LCSARO member for at least one year.


The success of the organization is based upon participation.  We hope you will consider putting your name forward for an office of your choice.   This includes current office holders who wish to have your name put forward for the upcoming year.


Offices to be filled and current office holders

President:     Brent Hottle

Vice President:  Matt Dillon

Secretary:     Randy Huntoon

Treasurer:      Ron Vincent

Public Service Coordinator:  Andrew Wilson

Member at Large, appointed:  Christopher Conrad

Member-At-Large:  Chris Cahill


We request that nominations be forwarded to the Nominations Committee by Friday, November 30th.  Please consider taking an active role in LCASRO and place your name in nomination.


Forward your nominations to Brad Dunlap, N7BED, [email protected]


Nominations Committee

Brad Black, K7EUG

Brad Dunlap, N7BED